Friday, July 19, 2013

24 Weeks! Not sure where the last 4 weeks went!

20 weeks! Halfway there

Gummy Bear: 24 weeks 

Baby is: Baby is the size of a grapefruit! Almost 12 inches long and from 1-2 lbs. I get to see her next week so I'll have some more accurate measurements
Symptoms: Sensitive gums still. Ever growing belly. And FINALLY some movement! It's the weirdest feeling, but it's comforting to know she's doing ok in there.

Cravings: Nothing really. Still prefer soft foods to anything that requires a lot of chewing though

Aversions: Meat by itself. Eggs. 

Drinking: Water and V8 V fusion (baby needs fruits and veggies!)

Clothes: Maternity pants and dresses. I'm all about comfort.

Gender: It's a girl! Full steam ahead on the hairbows, headbands and ruffly bloomers!

What I miss: My brain. My energy!

What I’m looking forward to: Seeing her on Tuesday

We got back from vacation this week. If you've never been of a cruise, I highly recommend it. I'm a planner. I need to have an idea of what we're doing and where we're going each day. I hate the "what are we doing today" moments. I like to research and read online reviews. For someone like me, the cruise was probably the only way I'd ever really relax on a vacation. I didn't have to think about anything. I didn't have to deal with traffic or rental cars or "what are we doing for dinner?". 

I don't necessarily recommend it for pregnant women. I was WORN OUT!. There's a lot of walking compared to my normal routine (hello desk job!). Not to mention swimming! But I took naps, I slept on the beach, I slept by the pool, I slept on the ferry, I slept on the plane. I rested. I didn't stress. I had nothing to worry about, no decisions or plans to make. It was amazing. Craig and I both agree...we're definitely going back!

On a side note, I'm also very glad we waited. We decided to buy a house instead of going on a honeymoon. Between then and now, we learned a lot about money and budgeting and we were able to pay cash for every single piece of our vacation, from passports to souvenirs. That felt like such an accomplishment, especially after paying off everything but our cars and house in May. We wanted to have a little more time to save before going on the cruise, but we found out I was pregnant about a week after we bought our passports and the cruise line won't let you turn 24 weeks pregnant at any time during the cruise so this was the absolute latest we could go. 

After a few big weeks, we're ready to slow things back down and watch the money build up. We put down new floors in most of the house, bought the crib, a dresser and a recliner for the nursery, and paid for vacation. It's been an expensive few weeks! Now it's time to save save save until Lorelai is here. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ali! Glad to have stumbled upon your blog! I was wondering if you feature guest postings. Thanks and have a great day!
