Baby is: running out of wiggle room. Should be in the 4lb range, but it's been a while since I've had an ultrasound.
Cravings: Nothing
Aversions: Nothing really here either. I still don't prefer to eat meat by itself, but I'm doing better with it.
Drinking: Water, Milk, V8 V Fusion & Pumpkin Spice Lattes
Clothes: Comfy! Mostly pants and t shirts.
Gender: It's a girl! Full steam ahead on the hairbows, headbands and ruffly bloomers!
What I miss: Not having to wake up so many times to pee. Being able to take NyQuil!
What I’m looking forward to: My shower tomorrow!
I'm on day 7 of a cold. Really ready for it to pass. The most miserable parts are behind me, but I still have the lingering stuffy nose and coughing. And tiredness. But that's probably more than just the cold. Looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow, for sure!
In other news, I've spent a good deal of time the past few weeks trying to find/arrange for a birth class. At my last midwife appt (about 4 weeks ago), I asked her about classes. According to all the apps, it was time for us to look into taking one. She gave me the name of the person who usually does their birth classes. I waited a week or two but finally called her to see what she had available (pet peeve: people without online calendars). She asked when my due date was, said she didn't have anything planned right now and planned to be out of town a lot in October. She would check her schedule and let me know what/if she was able to work anything out. She said she didn't even have anyone to recommend me to because no one else she knew was offering classes right now. Well good. I was hopeful that we'd be able to work something out, but then I never got a call or email from her. I called her on Wednesday and left her a message and still haven't heard back. It looks like that's a no-go.
I had a lead for another potential class, but the person was almost 2 hours from me. Not very practical for a two day class. I talked to the instructor though. She said if I could get some more interest, I could host the class. That doesn't really thrill me either. I could also do a private "condensed" class with her, for the same amount as a two day class, but with a private class fee added. More money, less class. *Sigh*
So I went back to my midwife and explained my dilemma. She said I wasn't the only one needing a class and that she would look at hosting one at the birth center. Awesome. My problems have been solved! But then she posted on Facebook that she was looking at hosting one between October 15 and Thanksgiving. Uh, my due date is November 8. I emailed her to remind her and encourage her to do it as close to October 15 as she could. She wrote back that she has several births scheduled at the beginning of October so she wouldn't be able to host it until the middle of the month at the earliest but that she was looking at October 26. Yikes. I'll be 38 weeks then. Like, she'll be on call for my birth then. She said she was still trying to look for some options for me though. Then she emailed me about someone hosting a class tomorrow, which I can't go to because of my shower. The only Saturday between now and my birth that I can't make it. I wrote her back to tell her this Saturday is a no-go and so is Sunday October 6 because of my shower that day. I asked if she had any recommendations on books or DVDs or something. I, at this point, don't think a birth class is in the cards for me. I mean, I could see what some of the local hospitals have available, but even the doctors in the hospitals tell their patients the classes aren't worth taking. Plus, I'm not sure they would really help me have a natural child birth. I guess it would be better than absolutely nothing though. I don't know.
But this has really made me think- what do I need out of a birth class? You know what I've realized over the past few weeks?
I am not afraid of labor.
I'm not. I'm not afraid of the pain. I'm not afraid of the delivery. I have a peace about it. I just know, it's going to be ok. I'm going to be ok. Lorelai is going to be ok. I don't have any anxiety about it. It is what it is. It's going to hurt. It's going to be hard. I'm not going to want people asking me a ton of questions. But I'm not afraid.
But, that IS what worries me. Like there has to be something I'm missing. Something I'm not understanding about the labor and delivery process. I want to be able to talk it through somebody. I want to know how to cope with the pain. I want Craig to feel confident to help me through the tough times instead of asking "what do you need?". I want to know what I could be doing now to help prepare my body for labor. I want to feel prepared because I know what's going to/could happen, not just because I feel at peace with the process.
It seems careless to just assume "it's going to be fine, women have been doing this for thousands of years". They have. And a lot of women have died during childbirth. And the culture was SO much different than it used to be. People don't talk about birth anymore. Americans are scared of childbirth. We don't have the support of a house full of women who have all had children to help us through. The general public doesn't know how to get through a natural childbirth. I was born via c-section. My mom couldn't have helped me. My grandmothers have been gone for a long time. Most all my friends have had epidurals, if not c-sections. There are times when I definitely feel alone in this. And I know I have my friends for love and support, but not necessarily advice. I don't like feeling like I just have to figure out out. There has to be an easier way. I know I like to do things my own way, but I don't want to do it at the expense of making labor any harder than it's going to be. And I can read all the books and websites and watch all the DVDs, but there's nothing like sitting down and talking to someone who has been there.
You're my hero.